There are only a handful of countries in the world that have nuclear weapons. And, as tensions continue to rise around the globe, it’s important to understand which countries have these deadly weapons and why. In this blog post, we will explore the history of nuclear weapons and discuss which countries currently possess them. We will also take a look at the potential consequences of a nuclear attack and what can be done to prevent it.
What is termed a Nuclear Weapon?
A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion. Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from relatively small amounts of matter. The first test of a fission (“atomic”) bomb released the same amount of energy as approximately 20,000 tons (18 million kg) of TNT. The first thermonuclear (“hydrogen”) bomb test released the same amount of energy as approximately 500,000 tons (450 million kg) of TNT.
A nuclear device can be detonated in one of two ways: externally by a detonator (commonly called a “trigger”), or internally by using implosion to compress the nuclear material so rapidly that an uncontrolled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction occurs.

In contrast to conventional explosives, which rely on the chemical energy released when two molecules collide and combine to form new compounds, nuclear weapons derive their explosive force from the release of energy during atoms’ nuclei splitting apart (fission) or combining (fusion). This difference accounts for the tremendous destructive power of even a small nuclear device.
Fission reactions are usually triggered by an external neutron source, while fusion reactions are most often initiated by extreme heat generated by fission reactions. The process of detonating a nuclear weapon is called “nuclear weapons testing.” Testing is essential to ensure that a weapon will function as designed and produce the desired results.
The First Country to Develop a Nuclear Weapon
The United States was the first country to develop and test nuclear weapons. The first nuclear device was detonated on July 16, 1945, in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The test, code-named “Trinity,” used a fission bomb similar to the one that would be dropped on Hiroshima three weeks later.
The Trinity test yielded a 20-kiloton explosion (equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT). This was far smaller than what had been expected the original design called for a yield of around 100 kilotons but it proved that the concept of an atomic bomb worked. In the months that followed, the United States conducted two more nuclear tests: one at an airfield in the Pacific Ocean and another underground in New Mexico.
These tests, combined with intelligence gathered from espionage activities, allowed the United States to develop a more sophisticated nuclear weapon the hydrogen bomb. The first test of this new weapon was conducted in November 1952. The “Mike” device used in this test had a yield of around 15 megatons (equivalent to 15 million tons of TNT). This was nearly 1000 times more powerful than the Trinity device and showed that the United States now possessed a truly devastating weapon.
The Second Country to Develop a Nuclear Weapon
The Soviet Union is generally considered to be the second country to develop nuclear weapons. While it is true that they did not conduct their first nuclear test until August 1949, it is now known that they had acquired the plans for the atomic bomb from spies working in the United States.
As a result, the Soviet Union was able to develop its own nuclear weapon relatively quickly. Their first test, code-named “RDS-I,” used a design similar to the Trinity device. The yield of this device was around 20 kilotons.
The Third Country to Develop a Nuclear Weapon
The United Kingdom is considered to be the third country to develop nuclear weapons. They conducted their first nuclear test in October 1952. The “Hurricane” device used in this test had a yield of around 25 kilotons.
While the United Kingdom did not have spies stealing secrets from the United States like the Soviet Union did, they did benefit from the sharing of information that occurred between the two countries during World War II.
The Fourth Country to Develop a Nuclear Weapon
France is considered to be the fourth country to develop nuclear weapons. They conducted their first nuclear test in February 1960. The “Gerboise Bleue” device used in this test had a yield of around 70 kilotons.
France’s development of nuclear weapons was relatively independent from the United States and the Soviet Union. However, they did receive some assistance from Britain in the form of advice and information about materials.
The Fifth Country to Develop a Nuclear Weapon
China is considered to be the fifth country to develop nuclear weapons. They conducted their first nuclear test in October 1964. The “Chic-I” device used in this test had a yield of around 22 kilotons.
China’s development of nuclear weapons was heavily dependent on assistance from the Soviet Union. In fact, their first nuclear test used a weapon design that had been provided by the Soviets.
Countries with Nuclear Weapons and Where They Are Located
Today, there are a number of countries with nuclear weapons with the United States spearheading the same after being the first country to develop nuclear weapons. Below is a list of the countries with nuclear weapons, the number of depots they have, and their locations.
1) United States
United States is the first country with nuclear weapons in which it is believed to have nuclear plants which total around 103. The main aim of these nuclear weapons was deterrence but it is not clear where all these plants are located.
Nuclear plants in the USA are located in North Dakota, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, Washington, South Dakota, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, and Arkansas.
The United States has an estimated number of nuclear warheads which is around 6000 with 2000 of these being active. The US government has stated that they are in the process of reducing this number.
US nuclear weapons are spread out across the country with some states having more than one depot. These include North Dakota (Minot AFB), Texas (Dyess AFB), Colorado (Pueblo Depot Activity), Nebraska (Offutt AFB), Washington (Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor), South Dakota (Ellsworth AFB) and New Mexico
(Cannon AFB).
United States is also believed to have nuclear weapons located outside of its borders with these being in Europe and Asia.
Nuclear weapons in Europe are thought to be located in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. These countries are all NATO members except Turkey.
The US is also thought to have nuclear weapons located in South Korea, Japan, and Afghanistan. These countries are not NATO members but they do have close ties to the US militarily.
2) Russia
Russia is the second country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 96 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including Siberia, the Urals, and European Russia.
The Russian government has said that they have an estimated number of 6000 nuclear warheads with 2000 of these being active. They are in the process of reducing this number as well.
Just like the United States, Russia has nuclear weapons spread out across its territory with some states having more than one depot. These include Siberia (Novaya Zemlya), the Urals (Yekaterinburg), and European Russia
Russia is also believed to have nuclear weapons located outside its borders in Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine. These countries were all part of the Soviet Union and they still have close ties to Russia.
Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine are not NATO members but they are considered to be allies of the West.
Russia is also thought to have nuclear weapons in South Africa, Cuba, and Vietnam. These countries do not have close ties to Russia but they do have close ties to the US militarily.
South Africa and Vietnam are not NATO members but Cuba is a NATO member.
3) United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is the third country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 48 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including Scotland, Wales, and England.
The UK government has said that they have an estimated number of 225 nuclear warheads with 160 of these being active. They are in the process of reducing this number as well.
Just like the United States and Russia, the UK has nuclear weapons spread out across its territory with some states having more than one depot. These include Scotland (Faslane), Wales (Milford Haven), and England
The UK is also believed to have nuclear weapons located outside its borders in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. These countries are all NATO members and they have close ties to the UK militarily.
Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are also considered to be allies of the West.
4) France
France is the fourth country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 58 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including the south of France and the north of France.
The French government has said that they have an estimated number of 300 nuclear warheads with 280 of these being active. They are in the process of reducing this number as well.
Just like the United States, Russia, and the UK, France has nuclear weapons spread out across its territory with some states having more than one depot. These include the south of France (Saint-Paul-lès-Durance) and the north of France (Valduc).
France is also believed to have nuclear weapons located outside its borders in Algeria, Libya, and Morocco. These countries are not NATO members but they have close ties to France militarily.
5) China
China is the fifth country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 48 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Heilongjiang.
The Chinese government has said that they have an estimated number of 270 nuclear warheads with 260 of these being active. They are in the process of reducing this number as well.
Just like the United States, Russia, the UK, and France, China has nuclear weapons spread out across its territory with some states having more than one depot. These include Xinjiang (Lop Nur), Inner Mongolia (Baotou), and Heilongjiang
China is also believed to have nuclear weapons located outside its borders in Pakistan, India, and North Korea. These countries are not NATO members but they have close ties to China militarily.
6) India
India is the sixth country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 18 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh.
The Indian government has said that they have an estimated number of 120 nuclear warheads with 100 of these being active. They are in the process of increasing this number as well.
7) Pakistan
Pakistan is the seventh country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 20 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan.
The Pakistani government has said that they have an estimated number of 150 nuclear warheads with 140 of these being active.
8) North Korea
North Korea is the eighth country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 20 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including Pyongyang, Hamgyong-namdo, and Yanggang-do.
The North Korean government has said that they have an estimated number of 30 nuclear warheads with all of these being active.
9) Israel
Israel is the ninth country with nuclear weapons and it is believed to have around 20 nuclear plants. These plants are located in different parts of the country including Dimona, Nahal Sorek, and Palmachim.
The Israeli government has said that they have an estimated number of 80 nuclear warheads with all of these being active.
Just like the United States, Russia, the UK, France, and China, Israel has nuclear weapons spread out across its territory with some states having more than one depot. These include Dimona (Negev Desert), Nahal Sorek (near Tel Aviv), and Palmachim (the coastal area south of Tel Aviv).
Other countries with nuclear weapons
These are the 9 countries with nuclear weapons. It is important to note that other countries are believed to have nuclear weapons but they have not been confirmed. These countries include Iran, and Syria.
There is also the possibility that there are other countries with nuclear weapons that have not been discovered yet. This is a very real possibility given the fact that nuclear weapons technology is constantly evolving and improving.
It is also possible that there are countries with nuclear weapons that have not yet decided to use them. This could be for a variety of reasons including the fear of retaliation from another country with nuclear weapons. Only time will tell if these countries decide to use their nuclear arsenal or not.
Nuclear energy is a very powerful and dangerous tool. It is important to be aware of the countries that have nuclear weapons as they have the potential to cause a lot of damage.
The list of countries with nuclear weapons is constantly changing as new countries develop their own nuclear arsenal or get rid of their nuclear weapons.
It is also important to note that this information might not be fully accurate with military privacy being what it is. Regardless, it is important to be as informed as possible about the world around us.